Dimensions IDpub.1145424737


Prevalence and Risk Factors of Obesity in Children Attending Al-Kindy Obesity Unit in Baghdad
Hayder Al-Momen
 University of Baghdad - Iraq
 Corresponding Author
Saad Badai Nashter
 University of Baghdad - Iraq

Childhood obesity is increasing in frequency worldwide with including developing countries, while it was considered previously as the disease of the first world or rich people. The aim is to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity with associated risk factors in obese children visiting Al-Kindy Obesity Unit. Throughout a period started in December 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020 in Baghdad, 109 children were randomly involved, 69 (63.3%) girls and 40 (36.7%) boys. Body mass index was evaluated in front of standard tables. A questionnaire was built to gather suspected risk factors. Eight (7.3%) of our sample were overweight [1 (2.5%) boy and 7 (10.1%) girls] and 101 (92.7 %) of our sample were obese [39 (97.5%) boys and 62 (89.9%) girls]. Significant associations were found between overweight and health education, sleep, physical activity, snacks and TV watching. Obesity was more frequently encountered than overweight in children with (heavy weights) who seek help visiting obesity units. Unbalanced dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle and spending more hours on watching TV are important risk factors.

How to Cite:
Al-Momen, H., & Nashter, S. B. (2022). Prevalence and Risk Factors of Obesity in Children: Attending Al-Kindy Obesity Unit in Baghdad. Biomedicine and Chemical Sciences1(1), 20–23. https://doi.org/10.48112/bcs.v1i1.81
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© 2022 Biomedicine and Chemical Sciences published by International Research and Publishing Academy (iRAPA) - Pakistan Co-published by Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University - Iraq
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